Wednesday 3 February 2010

I can't concentrate with all these pink elephants running around my head.

Hello one and all, I decided after spending most of my days ranting to myself either in my online journal or fighting the little pixies in my head, that I should start a blog just so everybody can delightfully tune into the whimiscal, sometimes neurotic ponderings of me.

I also realize that was one mother of a sentence, I'll try to keep it snappy from here on. My blog title comes from a saying I made up in school, 'Elephants are always pink especially at night.' It basically came out of an argument I had with some friends over the colour of the said creature, my reasoning was so good that either it left them baffled or they joined my little brainwashing elite team who continued to spread those wonderfully chosen words. I suppose it points out that no matter how ridiculous something is, as long as you have the determination and faith in yourself that it is true, then others will follow suit. Also journalists (me) are tricksty little buggers.

Let's just say then that these little pink elephants born out of the particulary soft, squidgey warm bits of my brain are the mythical load bearers of little brown sacks of moaniness. They travel down from the mighty crevices of their owner and drop off the invisible conveyor belt into the oblivion of the electricky internet world.

So, what can you expect from future blogs of The Pink Elephant? There will be music, sport, computer games, Phil Collins, desk tidiers, relationships, holidays, Star Wars, Art, Books, young people, old people, dead people, the genital mutilation of those 'men' who wear skinny jeans, pets, journalism, culture and tradition, Terry Wogan and many many more.

Goodbyes for now, and I hope to post my first topic very shortly!

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