Friday, 23 July 2010

The Tennanite age of irritation

I've been on a Doctor Who marathon, possibly the greatest time waster to repeatedly watch episode after episode, box set after boxset, but this now means I've somewhat an expert of the revamped series, in particular the Tennant age. However fantastic and lovable Tennant is, and even though he was become some sort of national treasure thanks to Doctor Who, there are some rather annoying aspects to series two to four.

Doctor smart-arsery

As noted by TV critic Charlie Brooker, Tennant's doctor is a bit of a smug know-it-all, and so he should be too seeing as he is a timelord and all. But his infuriating constant dribble of enlongated words and exclaimations, 'Oh, it's space!' leaves the assistants, Rose in particular with their brains oozing out thier skulls.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry'

Right, stop there. Please stop saying sorry to everyone you meet, how is that helping anyone on the brink of death, enemy or otherwise? 'I'm so sorry you are dying' 'Oh it's ok Doctor,' says a humanoid in the process of gooeyfication 'I feel much better now you said that!'

Kill them while you can!

On a similar point, stop the whole reptance nonsense. Stop giving people second chances or trying to negioate/hug/kiss a dalek. Don't you remember what they did to your planet? Your enemies wouldn't waste a second in killing you once your back is turned, so what's all this softie forgiveness crap? I seem to recall in Tennant's first appearance as the Doctor he said 'No second chances.'

The idolisation of Rose Tyler

The doctor and Rose had this wierd, totally unconvincing romantic relationship which seemed to delight the modern audience, however I found it too soppy for my taste. Soppiness without the snogging and midnight fumblings, like watching Twilight. When old blondie got pulled into the paralel world, suddenly she became some legendary woman which no assistant could ever live up to again. She was the Rebecca (a Du Maurier reference!) to Martha's role as new and supposedly inferior wifey. When Rose comes back in series four the legend crumbles. Somehow her face is more contorted than I remember, and her accent is flirting between recieved pronounciation and that of an East London returning from a trip to the orthodontist.

Diabolical doubles

Yes, ok its perfectly acceptable in the world of DW to use the same actors for a number of roles, but its so bleeding obvious who they are, I feel the magic is lost a little. Oh, there's that girl who got killed by the Cybermen, she looks the spitting image of Martha, but no, she's a cousin...ooh clever! Ah and there is Chinese bug girl Chantho in Turn Left looking and sounding pretty much the same despite not being blue. And Amy must have had a great great great great great great great aunt in Pompeii because that soothsayer that keeps cropping up looks distinctly like her.

Continuity Error

The Doctor spent a whole scene in The Fires of Pompeii explaining to Donna that the Tardis translates nearby conversation for them and they in turn can speak said language without knowing it. And that if they try to speak the language themselves i.e dolce vita in ancient Italy, they end up speaking gobbledy gook. They seem to have forgotten this important element when the Doctor meets the Judoon in The Stolen Earth and speaks both English and Judoon right in front of the Tardis.

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